Under your Scratch Org’s General Project Settings, you’ll find a code field with your Scratch Org’s default configuration file.
You can change the structure and features for your Scratch Orgs by editing this file.
If you're already using an SFDX project, you'll most likely copy the content of your config/project-scratch-def.json
Learn more about Scratch Org Definition format. Instead of crafting your Scratch Org Definition format manually, you can use Org Shape. For more details, see the information below.
You can use *{current_user}
* for adminEmail
and *{org_name}*
for orgName
to dynamically set those values for every Scratch Org created from Hutte.
Hutte gives preference to the Configuration file in Hutte over the scratch-def.json stored in your repository.
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Salesforce Org Shape is a powerful feature that allows developers to replicate the structure and features of a production or sandbox environment in a scratch org. With Org Shape, you can configure scratch orgs to mirror key attributes of an existing org, including enabled features, licenses, settings, and limits, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and deployment environments.
Learn more: Salesforce Org Shape for Scratch Orgs