- New releases can be created from the “Releases” Tab once the previous release has been published. There’s no need to wait until all features which are scoped for a release are ready or completed. Instead, you can create a draft release and keep it open while the necessary features are being worked on and finalized.
- The created release will automatically include all pull requests (features) merged since the last release. This includes Hutte features merged even after the release is created as a draft, as the release will update dynamically.
- The content of the release can be modified. You can set a cutoff point to exclude features merged after a specific point. For example scenarios, refer to Release Scenarios.
- The release detail page which you reach by clicking on a release name includes a “revert” functionality, allowing you to remove a specific feature if needed. For instance, if a feature was merged too early, you can revert it to exclude it from the release. Detailed examples are covered in Release Scenarios.