
Create a flexible deployment pipeline by adding any number of Deployment Target Orgs to your project. For each target, you can manage user-specific permissions with precision.



Target Orgs, which can be Sandboxes of any type, or Production Orgs, can be conveniently managed from Project Settings→Salesforce.




A typical Pipeline setup used by many teams is:

Common naming convention Sandbox License Type Description
Dev1, Dev2, Pool1 … Developer or Developer Pro This is where development happens. Check Sandbox Pooling to learn how a fresh development Org can be used for each feature development
QA Developer, Developer Pro, Partial copy, Full copy Pre-testing of individual features. Often, this org is skipped and the first testing happens directly in the dev Sandbox where the feature was created.
DEVINT, SIT Developer or Developer Pro IIntegration Testing: Deploy your release to test it in its entirety.
This Org is ideal to serve as a refresh template for Sandbox Pooling.
UAT Partial copy, Full copy Serves for final acceptance testing before publishing and installing a Release to Production.
Production na (Production Org, not a Sandbox) Final deployment target. In a multi-Org setup, deployments can be made to multiple Production Orgs.